The Gift of Time


As the days seem to blend together, we may wonder what day of the week it is, or even what month it is. In this unusual period of timelessness, it’s important to find structure so that we don’t lose ourselves in a feeling of aimlessness. In other words, we can make time for the things that elevate us. I encourage you to find a moment in your day to pause and pray for all of those who are suffering through this difficult time. For many people this moment is an unimaginable hardship in their lives— losing a loved one, becoming ill and fighting for their life, or wondering how they will put food on the table, not knowing when that next paycheck will come. These are the people that need us the most. If you have the means, give back however you can. If you are experiencing financial hardship, there are other ways to give. Carving out a moment in your day to surround all people in a bubble of pink light will help in the collective healing that we all need so much right now across the globe.

We have all been given the gift of time during this pandemic, which is actually a blessing in disguise. Few would have thought, only a few months ago, that we would be asked not to leave the house. This would have been unthinkable. But this forced seclusion has given us an unexpected opportunity, a chance to reflect, and slow down our hectic lives. For some these stay at home days might be more hectic than ever, learning to pick up where teachers have left off to home school their kids, while also perhaps working remotely. Whether you are working from home or not, finding structure in your day will make a big difference in your sense of control.

Having that structure helps me, energetically, to set up my day. I like to start out my morning by writing down what I am grateful for. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have gratitude. It’s the most important tool we have to silence negative thoughts. It is one way to connect with source energy, the God light within us all. Upon waking up I do my morning gratitude, take my dogs for a walk – which gives me an opportunity to connect with Spirit through nature— and get my more rigorous exercise done, often through online workout routines. I practice Hindu chanting mantras, pray for loved ones, and I set an intention for my day ahead. These rituals have helped to form the bedrock for my daily life, which I find fulfills me in a very spiritual and mentally balanced way. For you it may look a little different. If you’ve always wanted to start that blog, you may want to take the time now to write. If you’ve wanted to find time to play the guitar now is your chance to pick it up again and learn some chords. If your passion is creating art, then you may want to finish that painting you’ve been working on. This is your time to channel your artistic expression and creatively forge a new path in your life.

Regardless of your circumstances, the gift of time is still yours to cherish. For many people not knowing what tomorrow holds can cause a great deal of fear, which can consume them with anxiety. You can take control of that fear. Do the logistical things that you need to do to move forward but also remember to take the time to clear your mind. If that means sitting on the balcony to watch the sunset, do it. Be grateful for another day. If it means watching a 30-minute yoga video on YouTube, do it. Take the time for your mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. If it means picking up the phone to talk to a friend, do it. Stay connected to the ones that mean the most to you. We need to let people know that we love them, as life is a fleeting moment. It always has been. The pandemic has only brought to light that which we already know, we are only here for a brief time. We are here to love. This is a common theme when I channel messages from Spirit. They wish they had spent more time with the ones they love. Take that opportunity right now.


The Power of Surrender


Now Is the Time to Ground