Letting Go of the Fear

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People often come to me hoping to hear from a loved one who has crossed over and the one thing that I can say without a doubt is that your loved ones want you to know that they are more than ok. Their messages have a common theme; they want us to live without fear. They want us to do what makes us happy in life and to not be afraid of death. One thing I love about being a medium is knowing the amazing amount of support that the other side provides to each of us and then sharing that knowledge with others. When I channel Spirits for people it is very common to receive encouragement to live in the moment, to pursue our dreams, and create our own version of heaven on Earth. The Spirits are able to create, without limitation, all that they desire on the other side and they do this without being weighed down by earthly fears, responsibilities, or the Ego. This is what they want for us here on earth. They often convey to me that love is the only energy that allows for us to pave the path to happiness in life, a path we chose long before we came into our physical body. When we choose to release our fear and align with the vitality of the Universe, miracles occur, and we are able to tap into our innate spiritual gifts that guide us through life with grace. So how do we do that, you ask? Here are a few tips to get you started.

 Positive Self Talk

Become aware of your inner dialogue. It’s common that when we are in the midst of choosing our path that the Ego, or critic, will get involved almost instantly to discourage us. “You don’t have time for that”, or “You’re not good at this” or “What will people think of me?” or “Maybe in another life when I can start over”. The excuses are endless and will continue to suffocate us into inaction. We need to stop telling ourselves that we can’t. It all starts with a positive dialogue in our head. “I can do this” “I will succeed”, “I am supported by love”. Flip the negative self-talk into one of encouragement and unlimited potential. This mental space holds astounding power for transformation.

 Stop the Judgment

We have to stop criticizing ourselves and others. This inner critic, the Ego, feeds on this negativity and grows stronger with every criticism. This negative thought pattern will spiral us into lower levels of energy vibration, reducing creativity and positive manifestations. Try finding something positive when you feel judgement, be it about yourself or others. Flip it around and find one positive thing to say about it. Maybe you are trying to lose weight -- you hop on the scale and there has been no change after weeks of dieting and exercise -- but rather than criticize yourself for not losing weight you congratulate yourself for not gaining any more. You will in time be able to pull back from this fear and the judging pattern will become weak and broken. This will be continuous work in your life but will become easier with more practice.  

 Without Risk There is No Positive Change

This inner critic, the fear, will block us from success and from happiness. Yet it is only through the risk that we will find true happiness. We fear the failure that comes from risk because we think if we fail once that we will continue to fail every time. Think if you decided that you were never going to go on a first date because it’s not worth the risk of being hurt. It’s true you would never be rejected, but you would also never have the chance at romantic love. Isn’t it worth the risk of rejection? Because you practice positive self-talk you know you are worthy of love. You are living your life with a greater purpose and in the pursuit of what matters to you. You are living in your truth without fear.

 Trust in Something Bigger Than Yourself

Trust in the belief that we are always being supported by God, or Spirit, in all ways and at all times. There is unlimited support available from the other side. People have many different names for God. I consider God a powerful entity of love and acceptance. Surrendering to God helps us to align with Universal truth. It is the foundation in which we build our lives without fear, by which we build our faith, and our relationship with the other side. The more we trust the unseen the more we will have a silent knowing that what we are working towards will be attracted to us at a perfect and divine time. 

 Trust in Your Own Strength

Trust in your own strength and ability to persevere. Often times when someone loses a parent they think “I am not as strong as my dad was,” or “mom was the matriarch, the one everyone came to, not me.” But that’s not necessarily true. You are strong enough. In times of doubt it’s their strength that we must remember and pull from. Because we are also strong, and they are a part of us in Spirit. Our loved ones in Spirit are always influencing us, guiding us in life. When we draw upon their strength and find the courage to recognize our own strength, we will let go of the fear that holds us back. We will live with greater purpose and find our true calling in this life.

 Remember, ask and you shall receive. This sounds simple but there is truth to it. If you’re feeling stuck, or like you don’t know what to do next, be brave and ask for help. Even asking something such as “God, please help guide me in the direction best suited for me and my highest good at this time” will open you up to numerous possibilities. Trust that over time you will receive your guidance in the best way possible and at the perfect moment. 


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